
The Food Systems Network
Pages for Companies and Organizations
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Compassion in World Farming was founded 50 years ago in 1967 by a British farmer who became horrified by the development of modern, intensive factory farming.

Today we campaign peacefully to end all factory farming practices. We believe that the biggest cause of cruelty on the planet deserves a focused, specialised approach – so we are relentlessly focused on ending factory farming.

Compassion in World Farming is a registered charity in England and Wales (registered charity number 1095050) and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (registered company number 4590804).


  • Our award winning undercover investigations have exposed the reality of modern intensive farming systems and brought the plight of farm animals to the attention of the world's media
  • Our political lobbying and campaigning has resulted in the EU recognising animals as sentient beings, capable of feeling pain and suffering.
  • We have also secured landmark agreements to outlaw the barren battery cage for egg-laying hens, narrow veal crates and sow stalls across Europe
  • Compassion in World Farming’s Food Business team is working with some of the world’s biggest food companies - retailers, producers and manufacturers. The companies we work with are a key part of the drive towards a more ethical and sustainable food supply.
  • Our Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards are already benefiting millions of animals each year. 613 million animals are set to benefit each year as a result of our Good Award winners’ policies.
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